We strive to deliver the product you ordered as quickly as possible. We process our orders daily and our orders will be shipped within one-2 working days from the time of your purchase at eBay. Tracking numbers are uploaded directly to eBay. Let me know your package is on its way.
We ship from Lichfield to get your product delivered as quickly as possible.
In a case where your order is delayed or cancelled, you will be notified by eBay.
We strive to complete all returns in time. To achieve this, we ask customers to provide us some picture with product for our record. In this way, we can speed up the return/refund process and ensure that customers are cared for very quickly.
We do our best to ensure that all refunds and returns are as seamless and painless as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail. We will provide you with as much detailed information as possible.
Contact us if you want the designated logistics to ship for you.
Contact us if you need invoice.
Contact us if you have special requirements for product packaging.
Contact us if you encountered any problems in use.
We will leave positive feedback for customers at the first time of shipment, and look forward to your feedback.
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